Born February 17, 2005
Thanks for Visiting Our JadenJournal

July 24, 2005:

This has been a very big month for Jaden! She made her first trip to Missouri, experienced her FIRST 4th of July, got a new bikini (Mom's decision, NOT DAD'S!), got her ears pierced, and ate solid food for the first time. She's been on cereal for a couple weeks, and just ate some carrots tonight. She sure is growing up! Lord, thank you for such a beautiful gift from you. Jaden means, "Yaweh has heard." He sure has!

June 26, 2005:

Jaden rolled over for the first time today! While Kari and Aunt Gayle were at the grocery store, my mom and Grandma Jean saw Jaden roll over. When Kari got home, they told her, and a little while later, she did it agian. That is so amazing to us. Praise the Lord for Jaden's growth. We continually pray that she would come to know Him at a very young age.

June 6, 2005 :

Kari and Jaden are in Michigan right now for my Mom's surgery on June 8th, and so I can focus on my finals. Jaden is trying to crawl (unsuccessfully so far), but she went in Grandma and Grandpa Lazar's pool today for the first time. You can see pictures of her adventure here. She's really growing up! Thank you, Lord, for Your wonderful blessings!

March 18, 2005:

Today was Jaden's very first time in Chicago. We left this morning and are having a family vacation. It's just the three of us and it's been a blast. She's been a perfect little angel this whole trip. She's been perfectly quiet and we've walked several miles around the city. When it was time for her to eat, we were back in our hotel room and Kari was ready to feed her. We couldn't have asked for a more perfect family vacation. We bought her Easter dress this evening from Marshall Field's. We stopped by there after having dinner at Benihana. That was really nice. Tomorrow we're planning on going to our cousins' house in DeKalb, IL. That will be nice to see them. Thanks for checking in. Have a blessed day!

March 14, 2005:

Well, anyone visiting this site knows Jaden was born on February 17th. Everything went really well. Things are still going really well. We've been busy trying to soak up every moment with our new daughter. Everything is an event. Changing her diapter is even fun because that's time we have together. And all the little squirms and jitters she makes are clearly her telling me I'm silly or that Kari's awesome - at least that's what we make them all out to be. For those of you that have children, you understand what I mean. For those of you that don't - you will. Children truly are a treasure from the Lord. If I had a nickle for everytime I said, "Look at this..." or "Look at her..." she'd already have her college paid for.

Our friends Curtis and Kendi Satterfield came and visited us this weekend with their son, Atticus Finch. He and Jaden had lots of fun together - and they went on their first date. The parents were all chaperones. We went to Cheddar's - they were both really well-behaved.

Computers have made this journey so much fun! We webcast with the grandparents (talk over our the internet using video cameras). That's the next best thing to having them actually with the baby. Well, I have to get to bed. Thanks for checking in. For all your prayers, and to all of you who have signed Jaden's guestbook - "Thank you!" from Kari and I. We love you all. Thank you, Jesus for this wonderful blessing. You are the reason we live!

February 13, 2005:

It's almost Valentine's Day and we're hoping Jaden comes tonight. It was wierd at church today, because two women told Kari she looked like she was due any day. When people ask when she's due, we get to say, "Friday!" now, which is very exciting. Here's hoping for a speedy delivery. Till next time...

January 17, 2005:

Well, we're officially on the road to parenthood. Today, Kari put together the Pack and Play, the stroller, got Jaden's clothes packed to come home from the hospital in, and we bought a van. We got a Chrysler Town & Country. It's a 2004 with 17,000 miles on it. We bought it from our friend Jeff Williams. He's the sales manager at a dealership in Moline, IL. He took great care of us. Thanks Jeff! Kari loves her new van. We got home and she made me program her homelink transmitter for the garage door. God has truly blessed us! Thanks for visiting. We hope you're blessed today!

January 09, 2005:

It's hard to believe it's already 2005! What an exciting year for us. This is the year Jaden comes home to our arms. Last night, after I had finished some studying, I decided to go show a friend Jaden's room. It was the first time I had paid much attention to the room (with being so busy and all) and I looked through some of her clothes. It made me so excited that we're going to have a little girl in a few short weeks. Well, God has certainly blessed us. We had a 4-D ultrasound done last month - that was neat. Also, I ordered a new video camera yesterday that will be very easy to use. That will be helpful when Jaden gets home. Off to bed!

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